Our Rural Towns: St Clears

63 days ago

As part of the Ten Towns programme delivered by Carmarthenshire County Council, the County’s rural market towns have received support to develop exciting new projects to add vibrancy and economic benefit to their town. This month, our focus turns to St Clears exploring how the town has benefited from funding through Carmarthenshire County Council and the UK Government’s Shared Prosperity Fund [UKSPF].

The small town of St Clears lies in the southwestern corner of Carmarthenshire around 8 miles from Carmarthen itself. St Clears is steeped in rich history and is closely associated with the Rebecca Riots in the 1800s in rural parts of west Wales. Take a walk around modern-day St Clears and experience a range of independent shops and places to eat and drink. To know more about St Clears as a destination, please visit Discover Carmarthenshire.

As an anchor building in the centre of town, Y Gât was identified as a key building to be enhanced to suit both the economic and social needs of St Clears’ residents and visitors. As the town council embarked on an asset transfer from Carmarthenshire County Council, financial support was secured to redevelop the downstairs area to create a better fit for purpose layout for activities and provisions to be held. The reconfiguration also provides better access to the café area, which has now reopened with a new local business operating from the café area.

A co-ordinator will be managing the centre, with their role primarily to facilitate provision and services in the building, which also has small business unit workshop space, houses the local library and meeting room space for hire.

Long consultation periods with local stakeholders identified the need to improve both the town’s digital presence and communication. Digital screens have been installed outside Y Gât and in Pentre Road car park to showcase local activity, highlight local business and community news.

A number of the business premises in St Clears have benefited from support from the Revitalising Rural Town Centre fund. As well as supporting a refresh of exterior and new signage, an art mural has been installed on the Evans Pharmacy building showcasing St Clears’ history and historical landmarks. Local artist Steve Jenkins known as Jenks Art, has created two murals in St Clears which have gained positive reactions from visitors and residents.

Works are near completion on high street enhancements to Pentre Road, with the addition of new inclusive street furniture at the riverbank, a refresh of street furniture and pathways, as well as new bus shelters due for installation in the spring.

The UK Shared Prosperity Fund has also supported other projects in the St Clears area. Tŷ Croeso, located at Bethlehem Newydd Chapel in Pwll Trap was successful in gaining support as they develop the chapel into a centre for the Pwll-trap community and its needs; specifically, a centre to promote activities through the medium of Welsh and the use of the language in the community as well as social, leisure and well-being activities. More information on activities being held at Tŷ Croeso can be found here

An exciting project is also underway that raises awareness of the circular economy agenda in the town. Lisa Evans is a Carmarthenshire based sculptress that has been commissioned to create an art installation that will be located in a space that is accessible to the whole community. Aluminium will be the material used to create the art piece, and local school children and members of local community organisations such as the Men’s Shed have fed into the design stage.  If you are local to the area and would like to donate aluminium material to this project, a drop off point has been set up at Y Gât for members of the public to deposit material for the project.

Carmarthenshire County Council’s Rural Customer Service team, Hwb Bach y Wlad is visiting rural locations across the County offering help, support and advice. Experienced Hwb advisors can help Carmarthenshire residents with their Council enquiries and provide waste and recycling bags as well as Period Poverty items. Alongside this, advisors can signpost residents to relevant Council departments and organisations who can further assist with their enquiries.  

Hwb Bach y Wlad will be at Y Gât on the 3rd Tuesday of the month, 10:30am- 3pm. For more information, please visit the website.

The next Tourism and Business roadshow will be heading to St Clears Leisure Centre on Thursday 23 January giving businesses and community groups the opportunity to meet with County Council officers. Advice will be on offer covering all aspects of the tourism and business sector; from licensing, planning, funding options, grants that are currently available to businesses as well as marketing support.

Carmarthenshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Rural Affairs, Community Cohesion and Planning Policy, Cllr Carys Jones, commented:

With thanks to the 10 Towns programme and funding from the UK Government’s Shared Prosperity Fund, St Clears has benefitted from a number of interventions that benefits local residents and visitors to the town. As local member for the town, I am pleased to see the amount of work being done in St Clears, and I would encourage anyone to visit the town and experience its rich history and atmosphere.

For more information about the 10 Towns project, please visit the website.

To keep up to date with events in Carmarthenshire, please visit Discover Carmarthenshire for more information.