Have your say on the public toilet provision in Carmarthenshire

430 days ago

Carmarthenshire County Council would like to hear from residents, businesses, third-sector organisations and visitors to the county about their opinion on the provision of public toilets in Carmarthenshire.

click here take part in our online survey

Carmarthenshire’s Public Toilet Consultation is open from August 29 to October 10, to gather information to inform an updated Local Toilet Strategy for Carmarthenshire.

Each local authority has a duty to produce a Local Toilet Strategy for its area. When developing community facilities of this nature the public, businesses, and other interested parties must be consulted in a meaningful way to inform the Council’s approach.

The adequate provision of safe, clean, hygienic, publicly available toilets in any major town has a significant impact on the life and well-being of its residents, visitors and tourist trade.

The aim of the Public Convenience Strategy (also known as the Local Toilet Strategy) will be to improve toilet provision within the county. With this in mind, the Council will look at changing the way it provides certain services as it seeks to utilise more creative ways of providing public toilet facilities.

Following the consultation period, the draft strategy will be scrutinised by the appropriate Scrutiny with the aim of presenting to full Council in November/December 2023.

Cabinet Member for Transport, Waste and Infrastructure Services, Cllr. Edward Thomas said: “Public toilets play a vital role in the everyday life of our communities. It is very important, therefore, for the Council to gather the opinions and experiences of individuals, groups and businesses that use these toilets for us to form our Local Toilet Strategy.  So have your say today.”