Over 100 young people attend Carmarthenshire's Youth Conference

306 days ago

Carmarthenshire Youth Council has hosted its Annual Youth Conference on, Wednesday, 25 October at Parc Y Scarlets, Llanelli.


160 young people, teachers and practitioners attended the Youth Conference this year, in what is the 20th anniversary of the Carmarthenshire Youth Council, with discussions and workshops taking place to celebrate and raise awareness of Childrens' Rights.


Delegates heard from the Children’s Commissioner, Rocio Cifuentes, who, as a guest speaker, spoke of the importance of listening to our young people. Carmarthenshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Education and Welsh Language, Cllr. Glynog Davies emphasised to the young people that their rights are reflected in the vision and policies of the Local Authority and that he, as does the Children’s Commissioner, has an open door policy to listen and advise our future generation.  


The Conference, named “RIGHTS TOGETHER: A Celebration of Children’s Rights” is Carmarthenshire first Annual Youth Conference since the pandemic and has been organised in partnership by Carmarthenshire Youth Council and Carmarthenshire County Council.


Carmarthenshire County Council invited young people and practitioners from Secondary Schools and Youth Projects from across the county to take part in the event with the aim to bring together services and organisations to create an empowering and informative event for young people aged 11-18 years old within Carmarthenshire.


Cabinet Member for Education and Welsh Language, Cllr. Glynog Davies said: “It was a privilege to be present at this year’s conference, to meet with our young people and hear their views on the issue of children’s rights. It is so very important to celebrate and raise awareness of children’s rights, in our goal to make a better Carmarthenshire for young people. Thank you to each and every one that attended our Youth Conference today and for your valued contribution.”  


For more information you can contact us on info@carmarthenshire.gov.uk, visit our website www.youthsirgar.org.uk or follow the conversation on Social Media using #RightsTogether