Importance of cleaning hands reaffirmed on World Hand Hygiene Day

526 days ago

Keeping your hands clean is an important message that is promoted throughout the year, across all departments of the Council. 

Friday, May 5, has been denoted World Hand Hygiene Day by the World Health Organisation and Carmarthenshire County Council is supporting this campaign by hosting a 

promotional day at each of its care homes to highlight the vital roles keeping your hands clean plays in protecting residents and carers.

The promotional day will involve a competition for the best display board between the care homes to raise awareness of hand hygiene among residents, staff and visitors. The winning display will be awarded a prize that is kindly donated by Chris Thomas & Son Fruit & Vegetable Wholesalers Abergwili, Carmarthen.

Individual Health Protection Officers will also be visiting the care homes to promote this important campaign. 

Hand Hygiene has proven to be the single most basic and effective technique in preventing and controlling the transmission of pathogens and it is recognised as the leading measure to prevent the transmission of bacteria and to reduce the incidence of health care-acquired infection.

Cabinet Lead for Health and Social Services, Cllr. Jane Tremlett said: “Here in Carmarthenshire we fully support the World Health Organisation’s Hand Hygiene Day. 

“The most common way germs are spread is via people's hands. You can save lives by cleaning your hands frequently. Most healthcare-associated infections are preventable through good hand hygiene, so when you are visiting a friend or relative in a care home or any environment where healthcare is provided, it is important to ensure that you clean your hands.”

4 tips to help you wash your hands correctly: 


  • Use soap to wash your hands but if there is no soap and water available use the hand sanitiser. 
  • Scrub your hands for the full 20-30 seconds remembering to clean every part of your hands.
  • Dry your hands thoroughly as dry hands spread far fewer microorganisms than wet ones.
  • Try not to touch your face – it is much harder than it sounds –if you do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth you are much less likely to get an infection.