Council offers support to workers facing redundancies

435 days ago

In light of the recent shocking development that the staff at the Stradey Park Hotel are at risk of redundancy from the 10 July 2023, Carmarthenshire County Council is taking measures to support the hotel staff through this period of uncertainty and to assist them if they lose their employment with the hotel.

As with other instances of a large workforce facing redundancies, Carmarthenshire County Council is offering support to workers through its Communities for Work and Workways+ projects and will help these individuals with job-seeking advice and guidance; along with employment support which includes training and updating of CV’s as required. 

The Council’s employability team are also exploring the potential for a jobs fair for the staff to highlight which jobs are available in the local area and bring various industries into the fair and will work with partner organisations, including Careers Wales and Job Centre Plus to provide information that individuals may require. Opportunities in the leisure and hospitality sector within the Council will also be highlighted. Carmarthenshire County Council’s HWB advisers will also be on hand to advise those people who require financial support.