Cabinet approves major funding for Newcastle Emlyn

146 days ago

Carmarthenshire County Council’s Cabinet has approved a major funding opportunity for Newcastle Emlyn via the UK Government’s Shared Prosperity Fund [UK SPF].

Newcastle Emlyn Town Council is to receive £14,800 of financial support to fund national and international events in their town. Funding was sought to support British Cycling’s Junior National Time Trail and National Road Race Championship which is being held in Newcastle Emlyn in June 2024. This comes after the town successfully hosted similar events in 2022 and 2023 successfully. The announcement by British Cycling to host its events in Newcastle Emlyn presents a significant opportunity to raise the profile of the town, promoting it as a place to visit and stay.

As part of Newcastle Emlyn’s ambitions to increase the number of events in the town, the grant funding will be used to purchase branded gazeboes and a sound system to be used by local event organisers, thus reducing reoccurring costs.

Carmarthenshire County Councils Cabinet Member for Rural Affairs, Community Cohesion and Planning Policy, Cllr Ann Davies commented:

In recent years, the Council has placed emphasis on Carmarthenshire’s rural communities by setting out clear recommendations to ensure redevelopment. The approval of funding to Newcastle Emlyn will encourage tourism and contribute to the last legacy of a thriving town for years to come.

The approval of funding is in line with the Ten Towns project aim to support the economic recovery and growth of Carmarthenshire’s rural towns. The indicative also aligns with the Council’s third wellbeing objective- Enabling our communities and environment to be healthy, safe and prosperous (Prosperous Communities).

For more information about the Ten Towns programme, please visit the website.