Cynnig Cymraeg Week

113 days ago

This week is Cynnig Cymraeg Week, which is an opportunity to celebrate business across the County who have received y Cynnig Cymraeg.

Businesses and organisations who take pride offering Welsh language services to the public are able to apply for this standard which is initiative delivered by the Welsh language commissioner in Wales.

To find out more about Cynnig Cymraeg, please visit the website.

Having received Cynnig Cymraeg status last month, Equal Education Partners [EEP] based in Llanelli are an example of a business in the County showing a commitment to the Welsh language.

Owen Evans, Managing Director, from EEP said:

We are delighted to have achieved this status, which demonstrates our commitment to providing Welsh language services. As a local business founded by two Welsh speakers, we are proud to embrace and promote the Welsh language as an integral part of our workplace culture.

As part of the Arfor programme in Carmarthenshire, support is available for businesses and charities to achieve this status through a dedicated officer who can support organisations through the process, as well as look at ways of increasing Welsh language services in your businesses or organisations.

Carmarthenshire County Councils Cabinet member for Regeneration, Culture, Leisure and Tourism, Cllr. Hazel Evans commented:
Arfor is an important programme that supports Welsh speaking businesses and communities across Wales. Cynnig Cymraeg week is an opportunity to celebrate this and encourage more businesses to work towards gaining y Cynnig Cymraeg recognition.

If you would like further information on the support available, please contact: