Council shows support for White Ribbon campaign

118 days ago

Carmarthenshire County Council is once again showing its support for the 2024 White Ribbon campaign ‘It starts with men’, which takes place on Monday, November 25 and is followed by 16 Days of Action.

White Ribbon is the UK’s leading charity engaging men and boys to end violence against women and girls.

While domestic abuse affects both sexes, the largest number of violent incidents involve men against women. But ultimately male violence against women is everyone’s issue, not just women’s. 

White Ribbon flags will be flying at County Hall in Carmarthen and town halls in Llanelli and Ammanford on White Ribbon Day. County Hall will also be lit up on the evening of November 25 to show support.

The Council will continue to raise awareness of the campaign when working with partner agencies, such as the Police and visiting licensed premises across the county, as well as in our leisure centres, theatre and libraries.

A DocuDrama created and produced by members of the Carmarthenshire Youth Council, will be officially launched at an event in the Carmarthenshire Business Hub at St Catherine’s Walk on Monday, November 25 following a short walk-through the town for men and boys to show their support organised by Carmarthen Domestic Abuse Services Ltd (CarmDas). The walk will start at 1.30pm from the Guildhall and end at St Catherine's Walk, where refreshments will be served.

The 15-minute DocuDrama, ‘Never Silence The Violence’, will be officially launched by the Council’s Director for Education and Children, Owain Lloyd.

Carmarthenshire Youth Council is made up of a group of young people aged 11 – 21 years old from across Carmarthenshire who act as a voice for young people by representing the views and opinions of all young people in the county, supported by youth officers from Carmarthenshire County Council.

As part of the project, 12 young people from across Carmarthenshire attended training on domestic abuse, learnt how to keep themselves safe in such situations, explored where to go for support/guidance and met with professionals and organisations to gain a better understanding of the issue.  

‘Never Silence The Violence’ looks at the steps of what happens after a young person reports domestic abuse as members of the Youth Council felt that the aftermath of reporting domestic abuse is rarely spoken about, making young people scared to report anything as they don’t know what will happen afterwards. 

The Youth Council hope that the DocuDrama will be used by professionals to raise awareness to other young people that it’s ok to speak out and that it will reassure them that there is support available to them if they report any domestic abuse that they witness or experience.

Vice Chairperson of the Youth Council, Toby Bithray said:

I feel that it is important to promote and help raise awareness of the effects of witnessing domestic abuse and to encourage young people to use their voice and stand up against domestic abuse and make reporting domestic abuse that little bit easier.  

It has been an amazing experience working with such talented young people who are so passionate about this project and issue. All the young people involved have been inspired to work to win the fight against Domestic Abuse.”

Cabinet Member responsible for Community Safety, Cllr Carys Jones, added:

As a Local Authority we wholeheartedly support the White Ribbon Campaign, as addressing male violence against women is a responsibility that falls upon the whole of society. 

I am particularly proud of the excellent work of Carmarthenshire’s Youth Council in producing this docudrama to raise awareness of this very serious issue amongst their peers. The Youth Council play an important role within the County Council’s wellbeing objective of enabling our children and young people to have the best possible start in life and they are a wonderful example of ethically informed citizens of Wales and the world.” 

You will be able to view the DocuDrama on Never Silence The Violence - Youth Sirgar