Algae warning at North Dock

430 days ago

Warning signs have been erected at North Dock warning of algae blooms.

Carmarthenshire County Council is warning members of the public to avoid coming into contact with the water while signs are in place warning of the possibility of contamination through natural causes.

The algae may cause illness in both humans and animals, so members of the public are advised not to swim in the water; swallow water; avoid contact with the algae; not to allow pets to come into contact with the water and to observe and abide by notices positioned around the dock and water park.

Tests carried out at North Dock, Llanelli, by Natural Resources Wales confirmed algae presence. This is despite improvements to the water circulation. The situation will be monitored at North Dock.

Cllr Aled Vaughan Owen, Cabinet Member for Climate Change, Decarbonisation and Sustainability said:

The build-up of algae and algae blooms is a natural occurrence which happens from time to time, particularly during periods of hot weather. We are urging people to abide by the warning we have issued as public safety is our main priority. We will continue to monitor the situation and keep members of the public updated.”

Public Health Wales advises the algae can produce toxins which can cause skin rashes, nausea, vomiting, stomach pains, fever and headache if swallowed.

If you have any health concerns, please contact your GP or NHS Direct Wales on 111.