Carmarthen Health and Wellbeing Hwb Milestone Event

60 days ago

Carmarthenshire County Council invites members of the public to attend a public event at Unit 10, St Catherine's Walk on 12 December 2024 at 15:30- 17:00.

This serves as an opportunity for members of the public to come and speak to project officers, as well as representatives from partner organisations, Hywel Dda University Health Board, Actif Sport and Leisure and the University of Wales Trinity Saint David, about the development.

The purpose of the event is to provide an update on Carmarthen Health and Wellbeing Hwb, as well as provide an overview of the vision, concept and opportunities.

Carmarthenshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Culture, Leisure and Tourism, Cllr Hazel Evans commented:

This event is a great opportunity for the public to come and learn about what the Health and Wellbeing Hwb means for them. Engaging with the public is essential to this development, ensuring that the local community continues to be at the centre of the project.

If you are unable to attend this date and time, keep an eye out for future sessions in the New Year.

To keep updated about Carmarthen Health and Wellbeing Hwb, please visit the website.

This project is funded in partnership with £7million from Welsh Government via the Health and Social Care Integration and Rebalancing Capital Fund Programme,  as part of the wider West Wales Regional Partnership Board Capital Programme and also funding of £18m from the UK Government.